Onstage Grows Helping Others in Entertainment
Onstage Entertainment Group grew out of musician Joe Costello’s thoughtfulness, supplying backup bands when his own band was not available for a gig. After formally founding the entertainment company in 2011, Costello celebrated its $1 million milestone in December.
Through the entertainment company, Costello has been able to help other musicians and entertainment acts build their own careers as he had done for himself. “I educate musicians on how to vary their revenue streams to encompass all the possible ways to make a living using their talents,” he says. “This means helping them realize there is more out there in regards to gig than ‘the bar scene.’ Also, advising them on using more of their talents to create more income streams, such as writing and arranging music, teaching lessons, getting studio work and doing sessions.”
With a foothold on the Arizona market — booking acts in some of the biggest resorts and restaurants in the state — word quickly spread and OSEG is now also providing entertainment in Colorado, Florida and Tennessee.
“One of the reasons we have grown so quickly is because we never say no to a client; if they want something in particular, we will find it,” said Costello. An example he shares is the time he was asked to present some options for a large Kentucky Derby party, “so I went to the local racetrack, was introduced to two of the jockeys who spoke very broken English and had them appear at the event fully dressed in their racing outfits carrying a few of the small saddles they use of varying weights.” He credits that philosophy with having helped his company grow $300,000 year over year, and, he emphasizes, “enabled us to help some of these musicians and entertainers so much as double their annual income levels.”
Originally published on inBusiness.